

The Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra


First, to pay the highest homage and venerable to all Buddhas.

Second, to preach (the virtues of) and to praise (the glories of) the Tathagatas(Buddhas).

Third,  to make abundant offerings for the veneration to the Buddhas.

Fourth, to be penitent and confess one's evil karma's (deeds).

Fifth, to rejoice at the merits and virtues of others.

Sixth, to request Buddhas to set in motion "The Wheel of Dharma".

Seventh, to beseech Buddhas to remain in the world.

Eighth, to be a zealous follower of the "Way of the Buddhas" forever.

Ninth, to be always in harmony with all beings (Bestowing on them gifts according to their needs).

Tenth, to turn over all one's merits to (benefit) all beings.


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