Artm 兒童繪畫作品招募


Artm(澳門戒毒復康會) 握緊希望計劃(Hold on to Hope project) 為慶祝國際六一兒童節,將舉辦一個慈善聯合畫展,同時展出由年輕藝術家所捐贈的藝術作品以及小朋友的繪畫創作。歡迎有興趣的小朋友投「畫」參加!




1/ 畫作主題:象徵對孩子們的愛、對世界和平、對人類的愛。


2/ 收到的畫作將會對其進行裝裱,展覽。


3/ 招募作品日期:即日起至5 月 23 日。


4/ 收件地點:
“Be Cool” 澳門氹仔聚龍街71至137號日暉大廈地下AR/C及BR/C
“H2H 畫廊” 九澳 聖母村


5/ 每幅收到的畫作,捐款價格定為澳門幣500元。



Hold on to Hope project FB


Hold on to Hope project will celebrate the International Children Day, 1st June, on the 29th May, (Sunday) we will launch an exhibition of paintings drawn by children and young artists who would like to donate their art works.  All profits from sales will be donated to HK UNICEF “Help provide critical supplies to children in Ukraine, deploy humanitarian assistance to affected areas“


We invite your children to draw paintings, drawings that symbolise the love for the children, for peace in the world, for love in the humanity.


Submit your drawing and we will frame it. Deadline submission is on 23rd May.


Submission locations :

– “Be cool” Rua de Choi Long, nº71-137,Edf. Iat Fai, R/C A&B, Taipa

– “H2H gallery” Village of Our Lady in Ka Ho


Any donated painting will be counted at Mop$500.


more about Artm

Hold on to Hope project FB



first post 2022.04.28



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