

由Dr. Amanda Brook主講、題為「情緒」的講座,是澳門戒毒復康會的「Be Cool Project」誠為父母人士舉辦。講座闡釋如何幫助孩子管理情緒、如何處理他們的情緒問題。

「情緒」講座 Workshop for parents "Emotions"

日期   2014/9/26

時間   19:00-20:30

地點   澳門氹仔柯維納馬路494至498號凱旋居地下D舖 “Be Cool Project”

主講嘉賓  Dr. Amanda Brook B. Ed.(Co-active Teen / Adult Life Coach, Group Facilitator for teens)


Fax.Number 28820158; Tel.Number: 28821736 or email us @

或登入:Be Cool Project facebook



Dear Friends,

Workshop for Parents

Be Cool Project, cordially invites you to this coming Friday, 26th for the Parents Workshop "Emotions"

How to help your kid in managing the emotions…how to handle their emotions in the currents days, where the virtual world is overcoming the social world….

Be Cool Project invited as guest speaker, Dr. Amanda Brook, B. Ed. Co-active Teen / Adult Life Coach, Group Facilitator for teens…..don't miss it….

7pm to 8:30pm, at the Be Cool Project Office.

Please, reply this email for attendance confirmation. Certificate will be given.

Best Regards

Augusto Nogueira

President of ARTM


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