
2014.09.19  葡文書局 Livraria Portuguesa

澳門戒毒康復協會ARTM主辦「一步一腳印」 “One Step at a time”藝術展覽

ARTM 「一步一腳印」藝術展覽開幕禮  2014.09.19


Dr. Vitor Sereno, Portuguese consul of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong (Augusto’s right)

駐香港及澳門的葡萄牙領士, Vitor Sereno 先生

Ms. Loretta Lei, Head of Department of prevention and treatment of Drug Abuse (Augusto’s left)

戒毒復康處處長 李麗萍小姐

Ms. Melina Leong, Senior Vice President of Public Relations and Community Affairs of Sands

金沙集團外交及社會事務高級副主席 Melina Leong 小姐

Ms, Catherine Iu, Senior Manager, corporate and Community Relations Public Relations, Galaxy

銀河娛樂集團-企業及社區關係公共關係高級經理姚嘉茵 小姐

Ms, Yuba Reichard (President of the International Ladies Club of Macau) 澳門國際婦女會主席 Yuba Reichard 小姐

Ms. Sophia Lei, (former president of the International ladies club of Macau and current director of the Soda Magazine)

澳門Soda Magazine 董事及前婦女會主席Ms Sophia Lei 小姐

Mr. Rui Simões/ Ricardo Pinto, Livraria Portuguesa Director

葡文書局的董事Rui Simoes / Ricardo Pinto先生

Ms. Debbie, (art teacher)

藝術老師 戴碧筠小姐


Art Therapy is an effective tool and here we used it to people to communicate their feelings and sensations that they may not have words for or may not be aware of. We believe that this influences physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing and growth with people at various stages.

「在ARTM的學員中有不同的復康階段,不同年齡層, 不同的成癮行為, 都積極參與我們中心的恆常藝術課程, 而課程由專業的導師指導. 導師們會選用一系列的原料和教授不同的技巧, 鼓勵學員去實驗和體驗當中的過程. 每個工作坊都為本中心的學員量身製定以配合學員的的步伐, 有更大的空間來發展和發揮想像力。」

Art sessions facilitate by expert artists practitioners, introduced to ARTM male and female clients on different rehabilitation stages, different ages but having the same drug or any other addiction problem. The artists used a selection of art materials and techniques and encourage them to experiment and experience. Each workshop is tailored to the expectations of the clients involved in order to allow them to develop and explore their own creativity at their own pace.


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